Saturday, December 22, 2007

We are not the rational animal but the rationalizing one

My title comes from a comment by Hugo Pottisch on Megan McArdle's blog at The Atlantic. Love the comments here, Megan is somewhat provocative, but her readers are erudite and interesting. They always give me something to think about. Lately I've been puzzling over the environmentalist thing in my head and although I'm against creating false dichotomies, the whole collectivism vs. individualism lens is useful here. I'm glad to see the societal swing toward doing what's right for the planet. I've begun buying my reusable grocery bags that are now available everywhere, but I feel like a disinterested observer in the process. I feel like an old woman sitting back with a stale lament, "Why didn't we do it in the 1970s when we were lined up to buy gas? We knew then we tying the economic knot with middle east oil." Is it about the environment or about the economy? Of course it's about both, with tons of political interest thrown in to keep everyone watching their backs. That's the end of one nonsensical rant.

Tomorrow I go to see my folks for my sister's birthday celebration. Poor thing, born so near Christmas. I always felt her birthday was tagged on to Christmas somehow--the final gift I would buy. My sister and I, while not enemies, are not friends. She and I rarely talk when not with my folks. Buying her a gift is a minor mine field which I may avoid with an Amazon gift certificate. Visiting with my parents and my siblings at the holidays provokes all the old insecurities and few of the joys of when we were children. Don't worry, I don't think I'm unique in this. Holiday family duty looms on the list of must-dos at Christmas. This shrink says 68% of us look forward to such gatherings with dread. I'd say it's a mix of pleasure and dread--or at least apprehension-- for 90+% of people I know.

So, what am I rationalizing this season? I am manufacturing lame excuses for still having piles of grading to deal with (Jan 8, 2008 deadline seems a year away), much housework that must be done (my daughters will pitch in and we'll knock it out just in time), shopping not yet complete (they have those tacky generic gift sets at the 24 hour Wal-Mart close by), and not having sent a single Christmas card (New Year's personal letters are better).

Ready for a stress-free holiday in your house? I wish you peace and joy in the big picture, no matter how muddled the circumstances seem close up.


Cora Spondence said...

I love the way this post has one theme with many flavors: negotiating your internal and external environment. Your writing is comfortable and clear---it will invite many to sigh and agree with you.

MJ said...

Yea, this entry has layers that unfold and connect to your reader.
Environment, family, stress, holidays...we are all connected.

PS-I have started my grading but there are still 90+ to grade. Getting them on the table has helped.