Friday, December 14, 2007

Tiny "leather" jacket

Many of my students will be participating in the Dupont Challenge. They needed some help to get started as the science teacher told them about it yesterday and their deadline is 1.9.2008, the day after we return to school--interesting, since the website says the deadline is 1.28.2008, but that rant is another post. I came across Bioartists' Flesh Sculptures when using another story from NPR. It seems they're growing art in the labs now. I pulled up a few more images while we listened.

I think Stuart Little really wants that little jacket. He wouldn't call it leather, though. It would be his flesh jacket. He would require a flesh fedora to go with it.

More serious science that caught my eye: Fever-autism link. Can't think of a snappy comment to go with this, but it's amazing.


LJ said...

Flesh jackets and flesh fedoras sound very Silence of the Lambs.

MJ said...

Wow. That fever-autism study is full of possibilities.

As for relevent science projects, hair mousse has interesting scientific possibilities.

JSG said...

Flesch scupltures abound in the Body World exhibit. Part science exhibit, part flesh sculpture, wholly unsettling for me if you want to check it out. The exhibit used plastination to preserve bodies. Maybe it was the too-frequent requests for volunteers that gave me the heebies. As Monty Python would say, "But I'm not done using it yet..."

Cora Spondence said...

Dammit, LJ took my comment.
("You take the lotion out of the basket and put the lotion on!")